
End-to-End IT Solutions

For All-sized Businesses Across the Greater Toronto Area

“20 Years of good reputation can be undone in a 3-minute incident.”

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Cybercrime has risen sharply, such that 80% of organizations have faced a successful cyber security attack this year.

Every organization should have an evaluation of its security program on its agenda. Since 2020 we have seen old malware return mutated and stronger, increased phishing campaigns, increased state funding for APTs, and record-scale DDoS attacks. Inaction, a trending buzzword this year, can no longer persist among SMBs in particular. Today, cyber security companies like ZCS have highly capable and advanced security technology, paired with collaborative research and the power of cloud infrastructure at our disposal to tackle some of the largest threats. We exist to support the businesses that drive the world forward. We are here to support you.

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